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DECEIT: Part Sixteen





They both saw what had silenced Tegl - the emptiness of the tunnel was closing in on them with frightening speed. For an instant, Archer knew the paralyzing fear that held Tegl and Trip, but then he felt Trip's shoulder touch his and the spell was broken. They fired simultaneously, the beams disappearing into the rushing nothingness without slowing or deflecting it.


Tegl found himself again in the tunnel, kneeling, two phase weapons being emptied into...what? He roared. The walls reverberated, and the phase beams began to scatter on ...nothing, no longer being absorbed, each second penetrating further up the tunnel until one finally struck the wall where the tunnel made an abrupt turn, lighting everything up brilliantly, shattering a large chunk of the wall.


Archer and Trip stopped firing. They were side by side, with Tegl on his knees about five feet ahead of them. The tunnel was as before, lit by their lamps and empty as far as they could see. Archer checked his scanner, and it showed the walls, the air, the tunnel ahead, just what it should show. Nothing. He would never think of 'empty' in the same way.


Trip noticed that he was pressed against Archer's left shoulder, drenched in sweat, shaking. He didn't want to move, to break the safety of that contact, ever again. Archer felt Trip at his side and put a hand around his body, protectively.


Trip: What was that?

Archer: I don't know.

Trip: Tegl?

Tegl: Don't ask me, please.


The fear seemed to fade as quickly as it had come. In a few seconds, they didn't feel the least bit afraid. Tegl remained on his knees, staring down the corridor; he was feeling almost euphoric.

Trip: Good thing you were here, Cap'n.

Archer: What did we see?

Tegl: I can't say.

Archer: C'mon, Trip. Let's get back to the shuttle.

Trip: Tegl, you okay?

Tegl: I agree that we should leave.






Trip: I want to tell you all about us.

Malcolm: Tell me about you.

Trip: I found someone who matters... and then we put it aside.

Malcolm: But you found someone.

Trip: It hasn't been easy, Malcolm.

Malcolm: No, I suppose not.

Trip: Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about us earlier. Travis seems to think that half the crew already suspects.

Malcolm: I didn't. But then I didn't really think about it.

Trip: Is it okay? I mean, can you live with it?

Malcolm: Of course I can. Starfleet won't be so accommodating.

Trip: They have been so far.

Malcolm: So I'm the last one to hear?

Trip: Last one to hear matters most.


Malcolm: How do you figure that?

Trip: You matter to me. More than any of the others. You matter to the Cap'n. He respects you.

Malcolm: Thank him for that. And thank you.

Trip: The chief of security doesn't need to know everything, Malcolm, but my friend does.







Archer: Do you...

Trip kissed him gently in the starlit pond, almost invisible.

Archer: think we...

And again.

Archer: could do this on the shore?
Trip's next kiss stopped all of the words and thoughts in Archer's head. Warm lips pressed his cheek, closer to his mouth each time. Archer's mouth opened slowly, then closed on Trip's upper lip. He pulled it gently into his mouth, dragging his teeth across it as he let it go. There was no one else.

Trip: Sure, we can do this on the shore. If you don't mind twigs in your back, and walkin' into my house with leaves and mud in your hair.

Archer: I'll take my chances.


As Trip settled across Archer in the mossy night, Archer's body forgot its forty-some years and reacted like a 16-year-old. Trip, just thirty, was fortunately at the same point. He grabbed Archer's shoulders and pushed himself down hard. His shadowed face seemed clear to Archer suddenly, gifted with a vision of blazing silver light. Their hoarse shouting silenced the crickets, for at least a few seconds.


Trip laughed softly. Archer drifted off into that warmth.






Malcolm: So, what's different now?

Trip: Nothing, I hope. I want us to be friends like always.

Malcolm: No, what's different with you two? Why the change? Is it the Tabran Researcher?

Trip: He's, well, I don't know. He... We just had to get on with our lives.

Malcolm: I'm supposed to be keeping this ship safe, and here you go letting some alien affect you and keeping it a secret.

Trip: No more secrets, Malcolm. I promise.

Malcolm: Then tell me what you're so happy about. You haven't been able to hide that gleam in your eye since we sat down.






Archer: What else is out in these woods?

Trip pulled himself up to awareness, with some effort.

Trip: What else?

Archer: Show me everything.

Trip: I think I just did.

Archer: Where did you go as a kid?

Trip: The old live-oak.

Archer: A tree?

Trip: A big tree. I used to lie under it and think about where I'd go when I grew up.

Archer: Show me.



The branches were inky black against black, the sky almost hidden. In this safe darkness, Trip spoke.

Trip: You said you wanted to make this permanent.

That had taken most of his nerve.

Archer: You promised me every minute, every breath.

Trip: I keep my promises. ... Do you?

Archer: ...I want you on my ship. I want you next to me.

He put his hands on Trip's face, hoping to read his expression in the dark.

Trip: What do you promise me?

Archer: My love.

Trip: Love like...

Archer: Like my parents' love.

Trip's eyebrows rose, a delightful sensation under Archer's fingers.

Archer: Not the loss, the love. Always together. For each other.

Trip: You know what? Let me write your speech when they give you the NX-01.

Archer started to complain, but Trip had taken his hands. Nothing else mattered, all the way back to the house. The promise was made.





}} Do you understand the weight of the charges that now rest on your name?


Tegl could not speak.


> (( Find the report, Trip. ))


}} Unprofessional Behavior. That alone is enough to lead to dismissal. You compounded it with the crime of False Research.


> (( Imprisonment. 10 years, at most. ))


}} The crime of Insubordination. Misunderstanding your role in the Project.


> (( Re-education. )) He shuddered.


}} The crime of Exposure.


> (( ))


He was frozen now. The light flickered.


> (( Isolation... no... ))


He drew up to his full height, stumbling slightly from the weeks of interrogation, and brought his fists down on the door. It barely shook.


}} Sit down.


> Alkkav! Kous!!


> The council won't allow such punishment of their best Researcher! I can show you proof that they will never talk about us!!





Archer was up late as usual, looking over the latest reports on his new prize, the NX-01. Now that the congratulatory days had passed, so had his calm. Trip had noticed it but knew Archer enjoyed a little worrying.


(( This is it. What I've waited for. A few little snafus, here and there, but nothing to stop the project. ))


He looked up at the rain on the windows and then slid his chair back very quietly -- just enough to see Trip's arm hanging off the edge of the bed.


Archer: Why do you love me so much?


You've never asked me to choose, not even hinted at it. Where the hell do you get your confidence? I've got drive, but not confidence.


Will you keep your promise even if I can't keep mine?


If I keep you safe with me?


The questions were so softly asked, even Porthos hadn't stirred.


                  (( A dog? Whadja get a dog for?

                                    I wanted him. He's adorable.

                  You've already got someone who'll lick your face.

                                    Afraid you'll have to share tummy rubs?

                  Yeah. And the rations. Is he going on the ship too? ))


He stood up carefully, switched off the lights, and slid open the window. The city blazed under the low clouds, from the bridge to the Vulcan compound to the island. The music from the bedroom, fainter than the wind outside, held him like a comforting friend.


I can't choose, Dad. I made a compromise. It'll have to work.


Trip slept deep into the next morning, unaware of compromises.



Read DECEIT - Part Seventeen