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DECEIT: Chapter Twenty-One





The younger Tabran left Archer behind at the hatch as he began his search. Reed and his team tried to keep pace with him.

Archer: Hoshi? Anything?

Hoshi: They're very... Captain, they spoke much faster than Tegl ever has. I only got a few phrases - one was "the search must be complete," or "completed". The other was "find the revealer". I think they meant Tegl. But without knowing the context, I have to guess.

Archer: Were they upset?

Hoshi: They were more like the Tabrans that T'Pol has mentioned. I think it's like Tegl said, they don't have the training that he's had in modulating their natural energy level and emotional level to human standards.

Archer: In other words...

Hoshi: They probably always sound that way. But they mentioned Tegl several times, and used words that show they are agitated. I don't know what about.





Trip: Mom makes the best fruit pies you've ever had. And she really wants to meet you. She says she has to thank you personally for "saving her son from space."

Archer: She does know that I'm trying to put you into space again, doesn't she?

Trip: She likes the idea - just not when it seems dangerous. When it's fun, she likes it.

Archer: Okay, I'll come down. But only for the weekend.

Trip: Make it a week. It's summer. We can go swimming, diving, whatever you want. Besides, it's time you saw where I come from.

Archer: All right. A week.

Trip: Yeah! Thank you, Commander. I'll tell her to start gettin' ready.

Archer: Getting ready?

Trip: Sure. She's invited the family over to meet you.

Archer: The whole family?

Trip: Well, no. Not the whole family. Just close family. Not more than fifteen, twenty tops.

Archer: Your family sounds a bit intimidating.

Trip: You're nervous?

Archer: I've never met someone's parents. Not like this. And never the whole family.

Trip: They'll never give their consent if they don't meet you.

Archer: Cons- That's not funny.

Trip: Yep. Mama says everybody's really excited. They just want to meet you, face to face. See for themselves what I've been tellin' em.

Archer: And what's that?

Trip: That I've been dating a Starship Captain with blazing green eyes and a broad, rippling chest that I could just...

Archer: What?!

Trip: C'mon, sir.

Trip's low chuckle let him know he had fallen into the trap. His panic eased and his color returned.

Archer: What did you really tell them?

Now it was Trip's turn to pause.

Trip: I told them we were serious. I told them you saved my life. You are now officially a family hero. I'm sure I can think of a suitable reward.

His eyes flashed. Archer hung in that brief moment between seeing what he'd always wanted and taking it, looking at the joyously wicked expression on his friend's face.






Trip: What are you doin'?

The Tabran swept a handheld scanner around the cabin and Trip backed up to avoid it as the beam swung across his chest. When it reached his locker, the scanner gave an abrasive humming sound.

Trip was pushed aside by the Tabran, who pulled open the locker door and seized the cloth Tegl had given him.

Trip: That was a gift!

Tabran: Was it? Thank you for that information.

He left in less than a minute, while Trip was still trying to respond.

Trip: Malcolm!

Reed gave him a sympathetic shrug and dashed off to make sure nothing vital was lost.


Tegl had arranged his files quite carefully, including his personal journals. The secret report he'd left for Trip would not be found by the searchers, he felt sure. When the Tabran entered, Tegl sensed a current of youthful zeal, a fanatic's zeal, which was not a quality the Council normally sought.

Tegl: You aren't a Researcher.

Tabran: rahatth

Tegl glimpsed in this man, just for a second, the new Tabran council and its willingness to maintain secrecy.

Tegl: You have no idea what you're talking about.

Tabran: rahatth elchora

Tegl: You fool, accusing me when you've never even been trained to do this work!

The same sense of fear he felt when he read the warnings after his fourth report crept back into him. The scans of his quarters showed nothing of note beyond the materials and bags he'd collected on the bed. This obviously frustrated the young Tabran.

Tabran: We learned you gave gifts.

Tegl fought back a rise in his pulse and ignored the remark.
Tabran: Follow me.






More than anything, Tegl wanted to see Trip one more time. Dinner with Archer was his last opportunity to reach them, and the only reason he'd been able to forestall a debriefing. He'd turned over everything to the other Tabrans -- journals, private and research-related, all of his files, even his holocube. He sat in his empty quarters as the silence closed in. He had come to enjoy silence and solitude but he knew that a cultural adjustment was approaching and used his training to prepare for it. An image of Trip and Archer intruded, standing on a sun-drenched lawn near a wood. He tilted his head slightly and it vanished.


As Tegl left his quarters, he found the younger Tabran waiting for him.

Tegl: I don't need an escort. I've been to the Captain's table before.

Tabran: Your work is complete. Any further contact will have to be monitored.

Tegl: I'm simply having dinner.

Tabran: You are overstaying your project time limits.

Tegl: I am free to interact for another five hours. Check your clock before you speak.

Tegl sped up and as they rounded a corner, the young Tabran collided with T'Pol.

Tabran: Step aside and be more careful.

Tegl: Sub-commander T'Pol, my apologies. May I introduce the official representative of the Tabran Council, Lakot?

T'Pol: Mr. Lakot.

The exchange of formalities and the use of his name had the desired effect - it confused the Tabran completely.

Tegl: The mess hall is just around the corner. I'll find my way.

T'Pol: Mr. Lakot, please explain how you gained access to our computer systems so easily earlier. And why are you now back on Enterprise without the Captain's permission?

The Tabran was left in a state of angry confusion, unable to chase Tegl and unwilling to address the Vulcan politely.





Archer: You seem better.

Trip: I spent the afternoon in the gym with Travis, working on self-defense moves. And working up an appetite.

Archer: You're doing well with the new training I hear.

Trip: Chef's outdone himself. This is exceptional. ... Wait, why did we start without Tegl?

Archer: I wanted to ask you an important question. Before Tegl arrives.

Trip: About us? About living our lives? I'm feeling better, Captain, but let's enjoy the meal, okay?

Archer: I told Forrest we were thinking about it.

Trip dropped his fork loudly on the plate and would have said "Damn!" but for his mouthful of food. He swallowed quickly.

Trip: What are you talkin' about? Why did you tell Forrest when we haven't even talked?

Archer: Because I was sure.

Trip: You're incredible. Suddenly you have confidence - suddenly the mission isn't top priority - just like that?

Archer: Give me a little credit.

Trip: For considering me? For your timing?

Tegl entered, unexpectedly early, and Trip left the questions hanging.

Trip: Have a seat, Tegl, we saved you some.







No one minded the late hour. They gathered their thoughts through the empty hallways and met at the airlock. Reed and T'Pol were discussing the actions of the Tabrans and both looked distinctly displeased. Trip stood apart from Archer, behind Tegl, but Archer was too angry to notice.

Archer: Mr. Lakot - is it? I have a few things to clarify before you depart.

Lakot: Our agreement is concluded and we have no further obligations. The Research Council may choose to contact you later, but I doubt they will.

Archer: I understand you were on my ship again earlier; Subcommander T'Pol reported you were quite hostile toward her.

Lakot: All emotions are a blur for Vulcans. She misunderstood.

Trip: That sounded hostile.

Archer: Trip... Hoshi, what files were deleted?

Hoshi: It was significant, but targeted. Nothing classified was touched, nothing from our personnel records.

Lakot: As agreed. We have no need for that sort of data.

Archer: Mr. Reed, your report on the Tabran searches?

Reed: Only a few things were removed - a cloth from Trip's quarters and a few other items Tegl has used.

Lakot: Security, Captain.

Tegl spoke up in a voice that shook briefly, then smoothed out. All of them caught the tone, which was similar to the young Tabran's - vibrant, loud, inappropriately curt in human terms. Hoshi knew it was the Tabran Tegl, his human cover cast off.

Tegl: Are you finished, Captain? Don't worry about your precious ship. I know what this man is capable of, and he won't lie to you. I need to be on my way.

Tegl approached each of the crew, speaking bluntly.

Tegl: Subcommander, I hope your impression of Tabrans has improved, or at least changed. Mr. Reed, you understand security well, but don't emulate ours. Ensign Sato, thank you for all your efforts.

He placed one hand on Trip and one on Archer, pushing them close together. The warmth of his hands came right through their uniforms. A most unusual circuit was made and they both felt it.

Tegl: Good luck.

His voice became quite soft so that only Archer and Trip heard it clearly, and the Tabran behind him heard nothing. Tegl's black eyes were blazing.

Tegl: Get to work. Give it time, but not too much.

And then his Tabran voice returned and he shook them in farewell, and drew his hands back, leaving the two men slightly off-kilter.

Tegl: The Tabran Council is grateful for your cooperation.

He turned and left through the airlock doors, forcing the young Tabran ahead of him. Trip punched in the key codes from memory. Even as the Tabran ship disengaged, no one moved.

Trip: Damn.

Archer stared at Trip. Hoshi watched them both, wondering what Tegl wanted her to look for.





Reed: Just like that? Thank you, I'm leaving? It's very strange.

T'Pol: He did seem to be behaving oddly, even for a Tabran. Perhaps the arrival of the other Tabrans reminded him of how human he had become.

Hoshi: But the other Tabrans wouldn't have noticed how uncomfortable he felt - he was showing it in human ways. The words he chose were harsher for us but nothing the other Tabrans would have noticed.

Travis: What did Trip and the Captain say to him?

The others looked at Travis as if he'd read their minds.

Travis: What?

Hoshi: They didn't say anything.

Reed: That shake he gave them both would have stunned anyone.

T'Pol: I believe that the Captain and Commander Tucker had dinner with Tegl. Perhaps they spoke over the meal.

Travis was giving Hoshi a "what's going on?" look, but Hoshi was too unsure of her answer to that question, so she dodged his glances.






I can't believe we waited this long! When did you first...

            When you were following me around at the Starfleet New Year's party

three years ago. Very unbecoming conduct for a cadet.

I was trying to get you to talk to me.

About your warp field theories. You'd have had better luck just saying what was on your face. I was thinking the same thing.


Archer continued his determined movement down Trip's chest, opening his shirt as he went. As he came close to Trip's belt, he carefully avoided the area below.


S o n o f a b i t c h !

It sighed out of him, shakily, as his eyes closed. He ran his hands over Archer's broad back.


I barely slept that night. Thinking about you in that uniform, or not in it.

           Kept you up, did I?


He chuckled and stood up, dropping his shorts and stepping out of them.

Trip exhaled joyfully and reached out his hand.


          Slowly, Trip. I didn't wait three years to rush through this. We have all week.

Trip drew his hand back very slowly until Archer's legs started to shake then quickly let go, chuckling.


This could take a few weeks. How many we got?

           A lot. I don't want you to leave.

Trip stood up slowly.


Are you sure?

           Yeah, I'm yours.

Trip slid his arms around Archer, his cold belt buckle pressing into Archer's hip as they kissed.







Tegl: I didn't mean to interrupt a private moment. If you want to continue your argument, I can wait in the mess hall. I'd rather not.

Archer: Please join us.

Trip: We don't seem to have private moments - you always know what we're about to say.

Tegl: It's not hard to observe tension and faces. Getting back together won't be easy.

Trip: Why are you trying to direct our lives?
Tegl: It was a gamble. That's all. Was I wrong?

Trip: They're our lives.

Tegl: And you're free to do whatever you want. Don't be such a fool! You know what you want, you know it's possible, you have all the pieces.

Archer: I agree.

Tegl: So that's what you were fighting about.

More food was brought out, and Tegl ate it hungrily, leaving the conversation untouched for a long time. Neither Trip nor Archer brought up the topic again that evening.






Archer: You weren't at movie night.

Trip: Upgrades. You know how it is. Me and my engines.

Archer: People were asking about you.

Trip: Were they?

Archer: What exactly are you doing to the field converters?

Trip: I'll put it in the report.

Archer: Well just tell me.

Trip: It'll all be in the report.

Archer: Why don't we...

Trip: These! These matter right now.

He slapped the panel hard; the outburst surprised them both.

Archer: Trip...

Trip: Stop acting like my commander and start telling the truth. About movie night - and about why you're here for the third time in two weeks. Tegl's gone, so don't bring up his plan - ask me what I want for once. And while you're at it, ask me how I've been feeling the last four and half years. You wanna hear? Like HELL. I feel like I'm ..., like something you've kept next to you, to look at, to be proud of. I played along until I finally realized - and this is the one thing I'm grateful to Tegl for - that no one was there for me. He was. He thought about us, at least. I hate how he pushed, but he gave it some thought at least. You - what did you do except go it alone all this time? Keep it serious, keep it professional, keep it 'friends'. I made a big mistake that night.

Archer: The...

Trip: And don't bring up "the mission." This life is big enough for both. I can't believe how much I've compromised myself, my soul, to keep what I need.

Archer was stunned - he wasn't without words and feelings and things to say this time, but the pain in his chest was greater than he could bear.

Trip had never broken eye contact. His voice sank low.

Trip: Look what we've made of this.

Archer: I thought you wanted to get back together. I thought you wanted to make it public, and work on it. That's what you said.


Trip: I have a headache and you're makin' it worse.

Read DECEIT - Part Twenty-two