Men In Skirts #18

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Trip: He is kind of cute.
Jon: Yeah, but don't let Hoshi see him. She'll want to take him back to the ship.

My God, Ah'Len! What are you doing here? Oh wait...

Trip: um, Jon I think this here Godzilla's egg is hatching.

Trip: Uh, Cap'n, what're you lookin' at?

Jon: There's a mirror over there, I can see right up your...

Trip: Hey!

Trip: Are you sure Porthos needs a playmate Jon?

Phlox assured me none of the eggs his bat laid were due to hatch until next week!

Jon: After a while, just sitting about here does drag on. Drag-on gettit?

Trip bangs head against wall!

Jon: He's a norwegin ridgeback... I'm thinking of naming him Norbert...

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